Since Optane is just acting as a cache for a HDD. I still freely call them spinning rust nowadays, as does almost everyone in these forums, even the article writers.ĮDIT: Hi downvoters, do you realise Jim Salter, the writer of the article you’re reading also calls them rust? See five posts down. It was many many years later before I saw my first hard drive. I started using computers when hard drives were the size of washing machines. Your comments display neither appreciation nor respect for that history. Also, quite a few of us have lived through most or all of the evolution of the hard drive, and can appreciate how amazingly they’ve improved over the years. You’re being downvoted (IMHO) because HDDs are marvels of engineering and manufacturing precision. SSDs are better in every way other than price/GB. Big SSDs that can replace them for mass storage can’t get cheap fast enough.Įdit: not sure why I’m being downvoted. Mechanical hard drives are painfully slow and failure prone archaic junk technology made by dishonest sleazebag companies.